Are you a Scholar ?

If you are a Scholar or normal user who is interested in going deep into the Quran to find patterns, relations and new discoveries then you are in the right place ...

This section is created to be the swiss-knife of Quran Research, it is meant to facilitate all kinds of Analysis work around Quran for both Arabic and English languages.

Click on one of the links on the left to start

  • Basic Statistics: Statistics about the total number of Chapters, Verses, Words, Characters and more
  • Word Frequencies: List of all words in the Quran with their frequencies and weights calculated using the TFIDF algorithm
  • Word clouds: Word clouds for each Chapter in the Quran in addition to 2 other clouds for verse endings and beginnings (that is clouds for first and last words in each verse), the bigger the word size the more it is mentioned
  • Full Text: Listing of all verses in the Quran
  • Charts: A collection of charts such as "Chapter/Verse distribution"
  • N-Grames: Choose "N" to produce N-grams of words from the Quran
  • PoS Patterns: Get verses from the Quran which matches a specific PoS Pattern
  • PoS Query: List verses containing any specific PoS Tag from the Quran using Quranic Arabic Corpus
  • Repeated Verses: Listing of "full repeated verses" in the Quran
  • Repeated Phrases: Listing of all repeated “phrases” ( sub-verses or substring of verses ) from the Quran using LCS algorithm
  • Ontology Data: Listing of all concepts and relations found in QA ontology
  • Ontology Graph: Visualization of the Full QA Ontology in addition to the subset ontology of any selected chapter
  • Uthmani to Simple: One-to-one mapping between words in uthmani and simple scripts
  • Word Infromation: Provides information about any Arabic word in the Quran, provided information includes root, transliteration, frequency and PoS tags
  • Collocation: Show the "collocation" context of any word or PoS tag in the Quran
  • Concordance: Show the "concordance" context of any word or PoS tag in the Quran
  • Pause Marks: Show all the verses for any selected Pause Mark
  • Buckwalter-Arabic Translitertation: Two-way conversion between Arabic and Buckwalter transliteration
  • Word similarity: Lists the top 20 nearest words (character similarity) for any selected word from the Quran
  • Quran Initials: Analytics and Visualization to help deciphering the meaning of the disjoined letters in the Quran